Who Is This Shweta Who Has Started A Meme Fest On Twitter? Find Out…

shweta memes

If you have no idea why Shweta is trending on number one position on Twitter, read on to know why she’s got the Internet talking. 

Well, a girl called Shweta divulged some intimate details over a phone call with her friend, while on a zoom call with 111 participants. The girl assumed that her mic was on mute however, it wasn’t and all the people heard the details of her intense personal chat. A few of her friends tried to warn her and told her that her mic is on but she didn’t pay any heed to it and continued to talk.

This major zoom goof-up has cracked up the internet and trolls are having a gala time making memes on this latest trend. Here are a few funny ones that we came across:

Is your mic on mute? 😉


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